Chapter 124

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Declaration: I don't own KHR! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Language"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna speak to Henko"

"Henko speak to Tsuna"


Tsuna POV

I arrived inside my mindscape where Henko greeted me with his usual grin, "take you long enough" He said.

I grinned back, "you missed me?"

"not really" He shrugged. "but the duo gingger arre worried as hell. you better wakes up Tsuna. Oh and don't forget to eat your medicine after you're awake cause if you don't I'll use force" He smirked.

Ismirked. "as if you can do that. I will never let you take over without my permission ever again and I know that you won't if it's not very urgent. But anyways I will, don't worry. I know that I need it if I want to continue my life"

Henko nodded, "well, I'm going to take some nap now, healing you with your state of exhaustion is tiresome... ah, you know what I mean..."

I chuckled, "yeah. I think I need to wake up anyway. Well, good night then, oh and be ready if I wakes you up for our plan..."

"*yawn* I will, good night..." Then he fell asleep while I'm back to my consciousness..

"Hm...?" I hummed as I wake up.

"Tsuna!" I can hear two voices calling my name, my visions is still blurry but I recognize them as Sho-kun and Enma.

"where is this?" I asked as I tried to sit up when a stunging pain suddenly running from my abdomen.

"whoa whoa whoa, you shouldn't move yet Tsuna, you're injured pretty badly, and now Irie-kun is in the middle of healing you" Enma said.

I glanced to see Sho-kun. He has sweats rolling on his face. I know that he's exhausted and I can tell that my wounds isn't healed yet, they're too much and too deep to be handled by a teen. No matter how genious Sho-kun is, his flames aren't that big to heal me even after hours.

And so I tried to stopped him, "Stop it Sho-kun, Sorry to said this but your effort will be pointless-"

"NO!" both of them shouted.

"I won't give up on you! I'll do the best that I could! I'll heal you I promised!" Sho-kun said with tears falling from his shutted eyes.

"you hear him alright! We won't let you go. Don't you dare to give up, Tsuna! I won't let you!" Enma is also crying. (A/N : He knows the story that Tsuna said that he's dying from Irie and he was so afraid that this is what he meant)

Okay, what is going on? Why would they sa- Aaaah... I get it.

I then let a weak chuckle which then caused the pain back and I hissed and winched, 'I shouldn't have chuckle...' I regretted then I glanced over my half lidded eyes, they both staring at me,

'well at least I get their attention...' I then smiled, "Baka... I wasn't telling you... that... because I'm dying... like what you thought..." I said lowly but audibly.

"Y-You're not?" Sho-kun asked

I shooked my head slightly, "I was going to say... That I have a medicine that'll fix me up... even faster" I said.

"you do?" Now it's Enma who asked.

I nodded, "Now, could any of you... kindly get me a water?"

"I'll do it." Sho-kun dashed out while Enma is helping me to sit.

A second later Sho-kun is back with a glass of water (wow he sure is fast).

I then took out my sun flame pills' bottle from my pocket. 'there'll be 6 left..' I thought. Then I took one of it and drink it.

I can see that my friends are gaping when my wounds glowing yellow and healing by itself.

I chuckled a bit before then swayed around. I feel lightheaded.

I thought that I was going to fall but it seems someone catches me. "Are you okay?" Enma asked in concern.

I give a nod as reply.

"are you sure?" Sho-kun asked in concern as Enma lied me back to the bed.

I nodded again, "just tired. Even thought my wounds are healing, the pills didn't restore my fatigue..."

"then get some sleep" Enma said.

I smiled at them both, "Alright, but please wake me up at 7.30 I have something to do at that time. Oh and Sho-kun..." I turned to face him.


"Could you make two more voice changer with one of it's a girl?" I could tell that he was going to ask why and I thanked that he didn't voice it and instead nodding in agreement.

"I'll do my best" He said proudly. "Trust me, I won't break my own vow." I don't really catch what he's saying as my consciousness is drifting a way.

"Thank you you two..." that's all I manage to said before completely blacked out.


Irie POV

"...Oh and Sho-kun..." Tsunayoshi-kun stared at me.

"yes?" I replied

"Could you make two more voice changer with one of it's a girl?" I'm shocked a t first. It's an odd request from him. I mean he never told me that he broke his, and why does he need a girl voice too was it for Riki or Riku? I don't think so... but then...

I glanced at his eyes, I can see that he's struggling to stay awake and so I give him a favor and agreed immediately.

"I'll do my best" I said. "Trust me, I won't break my own vow." I don't know if he was listening or not but I don't really care as I was talking that last part more to myself.

Yes I have vowed myself to protect him, to save him from anyone even from himself and even if that means I'll lost my life. I'll do everything for his sake. Because I know that he'll do the same.

Afterall, he already did it in the past... He saved me and my friends... He changed my life, and I could never repay him for that. And that's why I make that vow.

'don't worry Tsunayoshi-kun, I won't let you down...' I thought as I drowned myself into the job. 'I promised...'

(A/N : okay, basically I owe you explanation on what is this vow all about and I'll tell you later on after the book finished along the story of how Nagi met Tsuna and why he changed her name. However I need at least one of you to remind me in the future –Because I keeps on forgetting things- 

This going to be, well, some kind of important side stories... or is it? maybe. Well, just don't forget to remind me once this over, kay~ ^_^)





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