Chapter 105

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna spoke to Henko"

"Henko spoke to Tsuna"

Tsuna POV

"NOOOO!!!!!" I abruptly wake up from my sleep.

I'm bathing in sweats and tears. "Oi Tsuna! What's wrong?!" Henko asked worriedly, but I ddidn't answer him. I still looking my surrounding trying to find things that can convincing me that this is reality.

Not so long then the door is banging rapidly. "Tsuna! Oi Tsuna! What's going on! Open the door!" It's Loke-san's voice!

Without waiting for more and ignoring the stinging pain all over my body I ran to the door and open it.

I saw it... I saw Loke-san is standing in front of me, looking at me with worry...

I clunched his shirt and buried my face on his chest. I'm so happy that he's here. I don't realize that my whole body is shaking badly.

"hey Tsuna? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Loke-san asked. I didn't answer him. Instead I just stayed like that for a moment as if not wanting to let him go.

I'm scared to lose him...

Just now I saw a dream. No, it's not a dream... It's a vision.

It's about his and otou-san's death again. the same as the last time, but this time it was more realistic.

It scares me...

"Loke-san... I don't want to lose you too..." I muffled uncounciously.

"lose me? why so? I'm not going anywhere... why did you say that..." He answered in confusion.

"I saw it in my dream... he killed you... you dead right in front of me... Otou-san too... and I can't even save you... I-I... I thought that you're dead... I thought that I would never see you again... I-I..." I babbled with my chocked voice.

I then feel some pats on my back as then I felt a warm hug. "don't worry, Tsuna... It was only just a nightmare... I'm here now. I'm alive. No one is dead. Now, take a deep breath and calm yourself. It's okay... everything is alright..." He said assuring me.

I slowly looked at him, He smiled at me. it's enough for me to calm me down. "Y-You're right... It was only just a dream... I'm sorry for worrying you..." I glanced at the other who is behind him. "all..." I added while bowing.

Just then I feel the pain that I've been ignoring all this time stunging like thousands bees jabbing their stung on me. my whole body is hurt and my breath is hitching.

I stunned...

I can't stand straightfully.

"T-Tsuna?" I can hear Giotto-nii called my name. but instead of answering him I fell forward back to Loke-san's arm.

"Tsuna-nii?!" Riki squicked. I can feel my body is being shaken slightly but all I do is close my eyes.

'This is worser than I thought...' I said to myself. Henko and my friends are calling my name. good thing some seconds later the pain is lessen and so I can move again.

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