Having the baby. -Jason.

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I hope you guys like this!
Y/B/N is your babies name.

You are 9 months pregnant with Jason's baby, and you both decided that you are not going to know the sex because you both want to be surprised.
You was hanging out with Hanna and Spencer at yours and Jason's flat, which had two bedrooms.
"So when is the baby going to be born?" Hanna asks as she looks at your bump, and you giggle..
"I don't really know, but I'm already in my ninth month and-" before you could finish your sentence, you feel something wet in between your legs, you look at Hanna who gives you a confused look, them Spencer let's Hanna know.
"OH MY GOD Y/N'S WATERS JUST BROKE!" Spencer screams as Hanna jumps up as you stand up with you sore belly, Spencer grabs your baby bag, as you all make your way to the door..
"Someone needs to tell Jason." You say as you open the door, then that's when you feel a real contraction came on, as you whince in pain.
Hanna and Spencer rush you into the car, as Hanna pulls out her phone to ring Jason while Spencer drives the car.
"Jason, you need to hurry up!! Y/N is having the baby!!!" Hannah shouts down the phone as Breathe in and out.
You finally get to the hospital, and you feel like you are about to pop. You get of the car as Hanna grabs a wheelchair from outside the hospital and grabs it, you both look at stunned at her as she shrugs and says.
"What? Y/N needs it." She says as hop in, you couldn't care less if someone else needed it, you need to get in the hospital before you pop on the hospital front entrance.
Spencer pushes you as the people get you into the room.
"I'm not having this baby until Jason gets here." You tell the nurse, as she looks at you confused, she pleads you to have the baby now, but you refuse. You and Jason had been planning this day since you found you was pregnant, like he was going to be there, and hold your little prince or princess, even though the pain is dangerously unstable which is causing you to be more agitated.
"Look she said she isn't having the baby yet, so she isn't." Hanna says harshly to the nurse who gives Hanna a dirty look before leaving, which causes you to force a smile out. You lay down again after you feel the pain increase, and you feel like the baby is coming out.
Jason rushes in as he runs over to you, and you smile happily!
"I'm here now baby." Jason says out of breath as you kiss his cheeck, even though it pains you too.
Jason sits next to you as the nurse comes in with a baby cart, which causes you to come to the realisation that you are going to have a baby in there. You look at Jason as you sigh loudly.

Time goes on and finally its time to push, you keep pushing and pushing until when you hear Jason shout.
"It has brown hair!" You push even harder , and this time, the pain has gone and you can hear a baby cry causes you to cry with happiness. Jason kisses your forehead and you smile at him with Hanna and Spencer looking terrified with what they have just seen. After they finish cleaning the baby up, they give you...a baby girl!
"Its a girl." Hanna says as she hugs Jason and Jason smiles brightly.
"She's beautiful, just like her mother." Jason says as you kiss her head.
"Welcome to the world Y/B/N." Jason says as you hand the baby over to him, gently as ever.

I know this is short, but I'm in serious pain right now.

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