Chapter Eighteen

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***Michael's P.O.V***

The memories were hitting in my head like blow after blow. My stomach was turning, I looked around the room, all around were workers, it seemed like they all were staring at me, but I'd understand why, a guy sitting down shaking and sobbing in a hospital waiting room will most likely attract attention.I couldn't get his screams out of my head, or the sight of his back at all, it was absolutely torn up, It was familiar to Regina's- No! Michael this isn't like Regina because Ashton is alive. Ashton is going to live through this he's so strong. I know he can.

Suddenly the boys walked through the hospital doors. Luke had extremely puffy eyes and a bright red face.

"M-Michael where is he?" Luke begged for me to answer but I couldn't speak I knew if I did, I would sob even harder.

"I-I" I said before looking down as the rest of the tears fell. I was so nervous. I felt arms wrap around me and I wanted to pull away but I didn't have the strength to, I was weak from nervousness and pain and depression. I was weak mentally.

"Ashton is lucky to be alive" a deep voice said quietly and Luke pulled away, I looked up to see a doctor, he was old and held a clip board in his hand. He stared down at me with and once I looked in his eyes, I could tell he couldn't care less.

"What- what exactly happened to him?" Calum asked shakily he looked like he was about to bust out in to tears.

"He seemed to have been jumped or attacked by numerous men-" before he could finish even the sentence, I started to talk.

"Two men, one with a black jacket on and one with a grey sweatshirt. They heard me call out Ashton's name and ran, I couldn't catch them in time though" I said between small whimpers. The doctor paused and wrote stuff down on his clip board.

"We might need to ask you more questions later but here are his injuries" he said and paused as he searched through his notes. "His back is badly cut up, he has a broken nose and two broken ribs, but that's only serious damage. He's going to be extremely cut up and bruised all on his body. Like I said he's lucky to be alive"

I stood up quickly and the boys held me back. "Find who did this. I swear to fucking God, you better find them!" I screamed and threw over the chair. Making the waiting room become quiet. I took a deep breath and looked at the doctor trying to calm myself down.

"Where is he? Doctor I need to see him now" the doctor sighed.

"Mr. Clifford you can't see him right now. Maybe in a few hours but I should inform you the lack of blood loss caused Ashton to slip into a state of deep sleep, almost like a small coma. He will come to in a few hours so then you can see him" he said and I shook my head.

"If I don't see him now, I will wreck this whole fucking room and you" I shout loudly as tears formed in my eyes.

"Mikey stop it please." Luke said and I glanced at him with an angry look. "Doctor just let him see him please." Luke begged.

The doctor hesitated to answer "Start one problem and you're out of there." He said sternly. I nodded quickly. He opened the door into the hallway of the main hospital. People stared at us as we walked out of the room. We continued walking until he stopped outside a room.

"This is his room." He said and I slowly walked in right away the tears came back and poured from my eyes.

"Oh my God Ashton." I didn't want to see him in this room. In this sort of pain. He was lying on his stomach but his face laid to the side, he looked awfully uncomfortable. I slowly moved by him sitting on the chair next to his bed. "He can hear you if you talk to him."

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