Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Okay guys so this is the chapter that you've all been waiting for. You'll find out who killed Regina and attacked Ashton. So prepare yourselves.

Considering the numbness of our hands and how sore our bodies were from flying out of sleds and bumping when we hit rocks Michael and I decided to go home and cuddle. He wrapped my big blue blanket around me, after slipping into his pajamas. It was warm and comfortable, making me shiver with delight. He crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around me. His body pressed against mine and I let out a heavy sigh, grabbing onto his hand. He started to draw those small circles using the tip of his finger again on the back of hand.

"Hey Ashy?" He whispered.

"Yes Michael?"

"The boys and I are gonna be celebrating Christmas with our mums and considering how you guys don't normally do Christmas, would you and Harry would wanna come to my house and spend it with my family?" He asked and shock filled my mind. I turned around to face him and we stared at each other.

"Really? I've never met your family before." I said and looked down at our hands as once again our fingers laced.

"They'll love you please go?" He began to beg and I hushed him with a kiss.

"Yes, yes okay! I'll go!" I laughed and he did too. He stared at me and smiled.

"I love you Ashton" he grabbed me on his chest breathing lightly. "You've stopped me from hurting myself so many times. You make me smile when I need it. Sure I've shed tears for you but nothing you could ever do would make me forget my love for you." He whispered against my hair and I wrapped my arms around him as well.

"I don't say I love you easily, I don't show affection to people and I may fall too easily for people Ashton, but I guess you deserve it all. I want to spoil you in every way possible and I want to make you happy" I hugged him tighter.

"Oh Michael, I love you and I want to make you happy too. Where is all this coming from though?"

"I've just realized how much you mean to me and how special you are" I giggled, blushing a little and kissed his neck softly.

"I love you Michael don't forget that" I whispered and he stroked my hair.

"I promise Ashton, no one will hurt you, the guys who did this aren't coming near you again. They're not touching you as long as I'm alive. Okay?"

"Okay Michael"

The night passed on and we both quickly fell asleep. Listening to songs sang by the birds sitting on the tree branches. The moon light reflecting on us through the curtains covering most of my window. It was a calm night, no screaming or crying, no dreams or nightmares. The only noise from Michael's snores and hums of the birds. His arms squeezed my body, close to his.

**Jack's P.O.V**

It was quiet except the TV, playing once again Ashton's story. I listened to what they said as I took another sip of my coffee.

"The two men who did this, are still on the loose and are wanted by the AFP for attempted murder and hate crime" I turned it down and stood up, going into my room and in the back of the closet. A box sat there, behind the clothes that were hung up. I slowly pulled it out and brought it to my bed. The cardboard box was closed but not taped. I ran my finger over the top of it and stared down at it, quietly. I grabbed the end and opened it up before pulling out a black hoodie. It had small splats of blood stains, barely visible. I looked at it, thinking back to how the stains got there. Either way the blotches were there. I moved on to the next object in the box. A black mask, no marks on it the only things were the holes cut where my eyes and mouth were. I rubbed the fabric before finally moving on to the last thing. A metal crow bar with blood stains also on it. It was sharp and rusty and the memories of it was coming back, on the top was engraved those three simple letters. "RLK"

"Hey Jack.." Chris said and I jumped, and looked up at him.

"Jesus when did you come home?" I asked in a shaky voice and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, a few minutes ago, but listen Jack, they're still looking for us the story's on right now, I think we need to take hiding from the cops more serious"

"Yeah it's been on all night, but no one knows it was us, okay? Don't go running your mouth or throwing around evidence and no one will get hurt."

"Ashton obviously did though" he murmured quietly and I placed the objects back in the box and scratched the stump of my wrist.

"Well that son of a bitch had it coming, alright? No one embarrasses me in a public place. It's not only about him though. His little boyfriend was the real target, acting like a tough guy, hell he can't even save his loved ones from two guys"

"What'd they ever do to you anyway?" He asked as he began to take off his sweatshirt.

"That's none of your business. They had it coming though I'll tell you that. Don't think I'm gonna give you background information for the people we hurt, you haven't been around long enough to know my reasoning." I said and walked over to the closet and shoved the box where it once was.

"I was only wondering, so what's our plans for tomorrow. Anything?" He asked and I thought a second.

"I'm not sure yet, I think I have work in the morning." I looked at him rubbing the back of my neck. 

"Have you ever killed anyone Jack?" He asked and I moved slowly taking off my brown boots before nodding.

"Yea I have. Like I said the target isn't Ashton it's his boyfriend, the one who's girlfriend I already killed I plan to do the same with Ashton"

"Don't you think it's a bit much?" He asked and I got up into his face.

"Listen big guy, who's side are you on? I'm not doing this stuff because it's rational. I do it to hurt people. That's what you signed up for when you got this scar remember?" I asked and grabbed his wrist pointing to his scar. He pulled away and gulped, nodding quickly.

"Yeah I remember now, thanks for reminding me" he said quietly and I went back to my bed, laying down.

"Let me get to bed Chris, I actually have a job to wake up to." I said and turned on my side, looking at the wall. I heard his foot steps leave my room and the door close behind him. I let out a sigh and began playing with the chain around my neck. 

Yup. So it was kind of assumed by a lot of you that he did it. I knew I had to add it sooner or later considering I'm almost on the 40th chapter. I don't want you guys to comment anything like "Omg I knew Jack did it" Because it ruins the story for everyone else. You can comment just don't name that Jack did it. I hope you all enjoy, but sadly this fan fiction is soon coming to an end.. Anyway I've been meaning to ask you guys to please check out my new Calum fan fiction, it has two chapters up at the moment and like no reads. ;-; 

Okay guys I love you all! <3 Have a goood day !

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