Chapter Sixty

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**Luke's P.O.V**

I laid in my hospital bed, twisting and turning slightly. Avoiding to lean on my side because of the large wound, covered by layers of bandages. It hurt to even breathe at certain times, the skin stretching each time I took breaths made the air seem to vanish, that's how bad it hurt. I haven't slept yet, instead I've been watching dumb TV show I had no general interest in. Possibly because the physical pain was so clear or maybe the fear I still had possessing my mind. I nearly

If the knife would have gone in any further over or deeper in I could be dead at the moment. I shutter a bit thinking of this, and my eyes surface at the window. Staring out at the sun peeking over a few low clouds, the sky was a pink-purplish beautiful color with a dark blue still there. However even that didn't make me feel any more happy or even grin tiny a bit. All I could hear was "Make sure to tell Ashton he's next" it seemed like poison to my mind and woke me up, from my rather childish antics in the past. Just as every other boy had been convinced, I realized life's not fun or anything to be super joyous over.

"Luke Hemmings, you have a visitor, is that okay?" A short dark haired nurse said, making my head spin towards the door. She started taking a quick glance around the room, then at me. I shrugged my shoulders and didn't bother to ask who it was because the only people who visit me are my family or the boys.

"Sure" I mumble loud enough for her to hear me and she smiles allowing the door to swing open wide. To my surprise however it wasn't my family nor the boys.

A quiet and tear eyed Brianne walks into the room, squeezing her body and face with a frown. I must've nearly dropped my jaw observing her, under the thought she never wanted to see me again. She wasn't wearing anything rather impressive just one of my old band t-shirts (I never even knew she had) and jeans.

"Lukey.." She started in a hushed tone, eyes stuck to the floor as she walked towards me. I shifted a bit in my bed and stared at her. "A-Are you okay?" She asked still avoiding to look at me.  It seemed a bit dumb she'd even bother to ask me that, but I could see me yelling at her would probably cause her to cry more.

"I mean I'm still breathing" I shrug, grabbing the sheets and she smiled a bit looking up.

"Thank God" she whispered to herself but I heard it and raised my eye brow slightly. "I um brought you a little something, maybe to make you smile or something." She says and grabs at her purse, sniffling.

Suddenly she grabs out a stuffed penguin and hands it to me sheepishly.  I grab it carefully holding it and stare down at the small fluffy stuffed animal. "What's this for?"

Brianne shrugs. "Well I know you love penguins and I'm sure you'll get a bit lonely without Calum so I thought you could cuddle with that or something."

I smiled down at it then at her. "Thank you" I say.

"Of course. I mean I'm still here if you need it." She smiles and I do as well.

**Ashton's P.O.V**

I sat on the couch watching the screen blow up with explosions and gun shots. A look of determination across Harry's face as he tried to kill the zombies left over. I never saw what him and Michael found so fun about this game, I mean truthfully all they do is shoot things. It was fairly boring but then again maybe it was just me.

"Good morning boys" Michael suddenly spoke making me stiffen up. He walked towards me with a joyous smile before kissing the un-bruised cheek. "Good morning my boy" he turns his smile to a smirk as he whispers that.

"Good morning" I mumble barely audible and stare down. The room stayed quiet for a moment besides the sound of explosions in the background. "Does anyone want some coffee?" I ask standing up and suddenly Michael gasps grabbing a hold of my face and staring at the bruise. I flinch a bit as he eyes my cheek.

"Ashton. How did this happen?" He said quietly. I push his hand away by turning my face.

"Do you want coffee or not?" I ask staring at the floor.

"No I want to know what happened. Tell me or else-" He said sternly and grabs my arm tightly but I cut him off half way.

"What if i don't Michael. Are you going to hit me again?" I ask low with a glare. His eyes widen as I walk away and he nearly runs after me.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned as I began making the coffee.

I let out a sigh staring down, my back turned to him. "Last night you hit me. I got the bruise from you. Not to mention you wasted five dollars worth of Starbucks." I say not turning around trailing off by the end, that wasn't important. 

"I don't even remember doing that.." he says hanging his head down, I feel his eyes stare at the back of my head as he stands quiet. I attempt to stay staring at the coffee pot, merely waiting for an apology but even seconds later nothing of the sorts was uttered. "So coffee or no?" I ask turning around. His face was flat, I couldn't even tell what he thought.

"If it's no trouble" He says. I glare at him a bit and turn around.

"Are you going to throw it on me again, if I do make it?" I mutter in an irritated tone.

"No" He says low once again and I turn around and stare at him in daze. 

"You know Michael, I've tried everything to be the best boyfriend I can yet than you treat me like complete crap" I scowl, raising my voice. his face hung low and he avoided to even look at me. "I get that you're sad. We're all fucking sad but I treat you like gold. You're an ungrateful piece of shit Michael and I hope you know that" I say nearly shaking as I say that calm, yet filled with rage. He slowly trailed his eyes up.

"You don't mean that." Michael said I nod slowly staring at him.

"Michael I love you but you, you act like you don't care if I were to die tomorrow." 

Animatedly Michael walks forward pushing me into the cabinets and I arch my back, turning my head away from him. I felt his breath heavily falling on my skin as he stared intensely. "Do not say I don't love you Ashton" I put my hand on the counter and take a light breath.

"Then why do you act like it?" I mutter, my voice cracked a little. 

"I'm a mess right now, but that doesn't mean I don't love you and God you're the only thing keeping me going right now. Please Ashton, do not give up on me." He pleads I stared at him up against my body before nodding slowly.

"I'm not giving up. I'm just mad." I say. He suddenly grabs my body, wrapping his arms around my waist and hugs me. 

"I'm so sorry I hit you" He whispered behind my ear, I hug back and let out a sigh, standing up straight and fixing our position. "I swear it won't happen again."

Hmmm how do I feel about this?? I don't know \(^.^)/ I don't know this chapter sucks but when don't they. Haha hey guys c: How are you beautiful people?
Does anyone want a dm (on twitter) to michael and luke? Just comment twitter names :-) 

I hope you guys at least enjoyed reading this chapter a little bit I love you guys!
Btw. if you want to follow me on other social networks here are the things I have cx

twitter; @mentholmgc
instagram; @hayleynataliaxo
Okay bye sex muffins!

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