Chapter Forty

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**Luke's P.O.V**

I continued to fiddle my fingers, ignoring to put any eye contact on Calum. We both sat quietly, stirring around the cereal in our bowls.

"So we're not going to talk about last night at all Luke?" He asked making me tense up, but I couldn't move my eyes away from the spoon full of cheerios. I shook my head slowly and I could hear him sigh.

"Luke, come on we kissed, you can't just ignore this" he said and seconds after Harry walked in the room, smiling. "Hey guys!" He said cheerfully and I looked up at him. He grabbed a seat next to mine and began to eat some dry cereal out of the box.

"Hey Harry" Calum said quietly and I looked up, staring at his dark brown eyes. I'm not sure how I feel about last night. The feelings overwhelmed me, I was so deep in this pit of loneliness, I needed some sort of companionship. The kiss, it was filled with love and passion and I did enjoy every second of it. I put every bit of emotion I had left in to the kiss, but, I have Brianne the most amazing girl in the world. The person I've chased after through all of my high school years. The girl who dating seemed like only a fantasy and a goal I'd never accomplish. I'm the luckiest person in the world to have her, somehow though my selfishness kicks in and I'm unaware of her greatness. Calum on the other hand, is my best friend. The one who's been there for me when I was sad. Cuddled me when I was lonely and loved me when I didn't have anyone else. The guy who would give up almost everything to help me. The guy who kept me sane during insanity in this band and protected me through Michael's wrath. The impact they both have had upon me was great, neither better than the other. The only thing in the way of happiness or complete heartbreak is my indecisiveness. To figure out who you love, seems like a simple task and something if you take the time to do, can easily figure out the solution to but it's challenging for me to decide this. Michael walked in, without a shirt on and sweat pants nearly falling off his body. He ruffled his newly dyed pink and purple hair and stared down at me. His eyes lately have changed from blue to green. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this about him though.

"Luke you alright?" Mikey asked and leaving from my chain of thought, looked up at him. Something seemed to take over my body and I couldn't get out any words. Of course I wasn't alright. I'm so confused, I didn't know I had an attraction to Calum until we kissed. Doing it wasn't what confused me the most, it was most confusing how much it did cause me pleasure.

"I-I'm alright" I whispered as I closed my eyes and entered back into my thoughts. I felt Calum's eyes on me until he suddenly groaned and stood up and grabbed unto the hood of jacket. I dropped my spoon and looked up at him, pulling away from his grasp.

"Don't fucking touch me." I yelled, hitting the bowl causing the milk to spill all over the table before taking a deep breath.

"You and I are talking about this Luke" He said and suddenly flung me over his shoulders, causing me to kick and scream. Whining like a toddler. Weird looks were placed upon us but he didn't care about them. He brought me to our room and dropped me on the bed before shutting and locking the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I asked furiously, crossing my arms over my chest. He leaned down and stared at me, once again I lose myself in his chocolate brown eyes. His mesmerizing eyes.

"Luke, I want you to decide who you love, because honestly I think you only kissed me because you needed some sort of affection. I don't want my heart being played with." Calum said and I tried to think of words to say, before nodding.

"You're right, it's not fair to put you in this situation" I whispered and he put a finger up to my heart. "What does this want?" He spoke softly and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Calum I don't know what or who I want" I said and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Don't be upset over this Luke, you'll figure it out I promise" He whispered and I embraced him in my arms. We pulled away and he smiled at me before poking my small dimple.

"I love you, alright buddy?" he asked and I nodded, smiling lightly.

"I love you too Cal" I said and we both stood up. He suddenly pulled me in for another hug.

"You'll get through this Luke, don't worry about it" He whispered soothingly. He brought butterflies to my stomach. This is what I meant when I talked about him always helping me through things. Even if I didn't like him and my mind was playing tricks on me, I know that I never ever wanted him out of life. I'd be damned if he were to slip away from me. We pulled away and I smiled at him again. 

"The only reason, I'm handling this is because I have your support, I don't know if I'd be able to even function if I didn't have you by my side" Calum nodded, and let out a heavy breath.

"I know where you are and where your head is at the moment. Even if it causes me heartache or distress, I want you to be happy. You've always been that person for me. I don't care if we have anything romantic or if we're gonna be best friends, I care about you way too much to abandon you in your time of need" Calum was fucking amazing. Everything about his was just plain perfection. He was a total sweetheart honestly. Suddenly, like other times that couldn't be worse, a small feminine voice broke Calum and I's conversation. 

"Woops sorry! Bad time?" Brianne asked and I looked at Calum, he shook it off and began to walk towards the door,allowing Brianne to follow in.

"Not at all, you two can have your alone time. Don't have to much fun" Calum winked and I chuckled a little, before sitting down. Brianne stared at me questionably, then came over to me, sitting on my lap. Wrapping her arms around my neck, I slipped my hand in between her thighs and she smiled at me. 

"I've missed being able to have these moments with you" She admitted, staring into my eyes. Gosh she was beautiful. I slowly moved in and kissed her lips. The kissed seemed never ending and as she stared at my lips, spoke out a few words. 

"So you know I think we should try something" She whispered, playing with my hair and I hesitated to nod and get up, locking my door. I turned around and smiled. 

"Are you sure about this?" I asked as I walked over to the bed and she pulled me by my shirt, over her. 

"Of course" She whispered and began kissing me once again. I instantly fell into the kiss and grabbed off my shirt as I crawled on the bed. She let out another of her well known giggle and I did as well, feeling up and down her body. 

WELP, I know this is a mashton fan fiction but you know I thought I would add this in because it all leads up to later events. Don't hate me guys cx Any who how are you guys. Do you guys like Brianne and Luke or do you want Cake to happen? (Remember I already have a plan but I'm interested to know your opinions) Comment below (With your names) and I'll add some of you in the story. Anyway I love you guys so please like, comment, follow me, check out my other fan fictions and share with your friends! 

Also this is random but if any of you need someone to talk to you could always message me or DM Me on my new twitter: @MikeyMyAngel. I love you all, stay strong and remember how amazing you all are! <3 <3

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