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Completed on Tuesday,February 14,2017.

So the book is finally done!! It took me about a year to write it and now it's done! This is the first book I complete writing and sure hope it won't be last.

I know all of you wanted Angela and Dylan to be together and have their happily ever after but some happily ever afters are found in the skies rather than on earth.

I hope you enjoyed reading my book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Everytime I publish a new chapter I get so excited because I get to read your reviews and you give me awesome support! I hope you liked the epilogue and Claire's wedding I wanted to throw in happy events.

I wrote this book for many reasons and one of them was to shed light on problems like rape,self-harm,suicide,teenage pregnancy,drug and addiction,eating disorders,self-hate,add bullying.

For the people who are going through rough times and are suicidal or cut please if you are reading this stop doing what you are doing. I know it's hard to ask a person to simply stop,trust me I know how you are feeling and I know what I'm talking about,it gets better. And if you want someone to talk to don't be shy to message me, I'll be more than happy to help you out or simply to listen to you.

I want you to know,especially girls,that you are not alone in this even when you think you are you would be surprised to find that there are people out there who care about you a lot and would miss you if you're gone. I would miss you,a lot. Know that you are beautiful just the way you are,no matter what size are you or what height. And your flaws? They make you even more beautiful.

For the people who got bullied or being bullied I want you to stand up for your self and "pull those big girl's pants on ",you are stronger than you think. And I want to say something for the people who throw hate on bullies. I'm not saying I encourage them,I hate bullying but I've met bullies that do what they do because of background problems.

There are two types of bullies;the ones with a reason,and the pure assholes. I know bullies hurt you emotionally and sometimes physically but I've met bullies who go through daily struggles and the only way the express themselves is through bullying. I'm not saying to forgive them and that they shouldn't be punished for what they've done but sometimes we have to understand them instead of hating on them.

I've read comments online about bullies that are really mean and hurt a lot and the ironic thing is that the same people who are writing these awful stuff are the ones who tell bullies to stop bullying others! You are bullying the bully! Just understand them. And for the other type,the pure assholes,that have no excuse to what they do,yeah please just stop. Your words can end up killing somebody and that is something very hard to live with. When you wake up every morning with the thought that your words actually killed someone just so you can laugh is awful.

Special Thanks To:

@Crystalline thank you so much for being one of the first people to vote and comment on the book and for being my first supporter when I entered the #Wattys 2016 ❤❤❤

qrqe400mom thank you for supporting all my work,your amazing!! ❤❤❤

lebanon16 one of the few people I know who share the same obsession in books as I do!! Thank you sooo much for supporting the book and your amazing and adorable comments!! ❤❤❤

LukeArnold2 my personal mind reader!! I always looked forward to reading your unique comments,you always capture the concept of each chapter and understand the message I try to send! Thank you for the amazing support!! ❤❤❤

Mona394 you're an amazing person!! Your comments in the last few chapters made me smile ear to ear! Thank you! Thank you! ❤❤❤

And thank you to all the people who took time to read the book and follow the love story that I wrote,I wouldn't have done it without you thank you for pushing me forward and giving me a chance!!! ❤❤❤

And to all the people who are currently writing a story and seem to feel like no one is reading them or they're not good writers my advice is to keep writing. When I first started writing it was pure crap but I kept writing and now I reached 1k+ views with amazing readers. Just keep writing,practice makes perfect.

Thank you again,love you so much! Keep smiling you beautiful creature! 😁❤

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