I Don't Even Know - Part Two (Pidge x Reader)

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28. Okay guys, I know you kept tying the score and Keith is winning as I finish this, but Pidge won when I started writing this. I might do a Keith after, BUT ((important info)):
I will be away from the 18th to the very end of March. The literal end. I will be on the other side of the world, and as you might guess, it will be difficult to write and update. I will do my best to get this (if you're reading this before the April congrats I achieved my goal) and maybe a Keith version out. :) Hope you like this, smol bean lovers!

AND OVER 1000 VOTES! ^w^ <3

You turned around, "Hey Katie." You turned away from her and face-planted on the floor.

"Y/N!" You heard the distress in her voice.

You lazily waved one of your hands up, "I'm fine. Totally fine. Most definitely. Always fine. Twenty-four seven. Completely and utterly fi-" Her arms reached under yours and she forced you to turn over. "Katie, what are you doing?"

She proceeded to slowly drag you through the halls muttering something about "stupid short arms."

She dragged you into her room and flopped onto her bed, "That was exhausting..."

"I still don't know what you're doing," you crossed your arms.

She twiddled her fingers nervously, "I am going to ask if I can kiss you."


Katie flushed, "Well, I mean, it's been awhile since anyone has called me Kay, or unless you meant the letter "K" and I just made a huge mistake, but I just assumed that you mea-"

You cut off her rambling by leaning forward and pressing your lips together. After a moment or two, you broke apart.

"W-wow that was..."

"Amazing?" You offered.

"Yeah." Katie laughed, "Do it again."

Haha I really didn't know what to do guys sorry. *sneaks away and into an escape pod*

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