First Reactions to Seeing Old Battle Scars Preferences

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35. Okay, before I do this I have some stuff to say... SO @sabrinamarie24 about your request for a Friday the 13th AU, I don't think I'll be able to do it. I'm sorry (T^T)

As a writer, I have been trying to write these for people to make them happy, but I don't feel confident enough or have enough information to write that request. In the future, for others who might ask for certain topics in a oneshot, there is a chance I might not take your request. There are other tons of talented people out there and I'm sure one of them will do an amazing job for you!

So yeah. Just for future reference, I don't have to take your request. I feel bad for not writing it, but I just don't know how to do it. Sorry. 😓

And for those of you who suggested preference ideas, thank you!! 💕💕

Shiro - When he sees your scars on your arms and shoulders, he is silent before placing gentle kisses on each of them. "They're part of you," he whispers, looking up at you. "That makes them beautiful too."

Keith - He traces his fingers along your scars. Then he pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead whispering, "Nobody will hurt you again as long as I live."

Lance - To make sure you don't feel ashamed of your scars, he breaks out a set of fifty color markers and incorporates your scars into intricate designs. He turns you into his canvas and shows you off to the rest of the paladins as his "war-savvy, beautiful soulmate."

Pidge - She just hugs you as usual and insists on a piggyback ride, but this time, you must include a war cry in honor of your battle scars. Or maybe it was just to scare Lance into jumping into Keith's lap. Maybe.

Hunk - He doesn't quite know how to respond, so he switches to autopilot. He bakes three hundred cookies, each with the chocolate chips arranged in the shape of your scars. Because Hunk is addicted to cookies. And you.

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