Lord Washing Machine | Lotor

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110. We've reached another 50K milestone so here ❤️ Thanks for 600K lil readasaurs O3O

Also Lotor is actually a sweetheart??? So here we are

I asked in Fates but no one responded so would you like me to make an instagram? It would be sneak peeks of oneshots and upcoming projects ;) (if anyone actually responds rip) If I do it, it will have the same username


Also I can't put in gifs (yes, family, that was what I was losing my mind over) so if anyone can figure out a way that does not involve the box to paste the url or copying it directly into the story please tell me

You walk through the halls of the Altean castle, munching on an apple-like fruit. You stop at the doors you're looking for, and start to walk down the long walkway as soon as they open. You sit down in front of the enclosed space. "Hello, Lotor."

"Hello, person I have never met before. What brings you here? Looking for even more information?"

"Nah, I'm bored." You lie down and pull out a deck of cards. "Wanna play?"

"Play what?"

"A card game. Go fish?"

He stares at you. "What do fish have to do with tiny pieces of paper?"

"Go fish is the name, silly." You sit back up. "Now do you want to play?"


"I'm Y/n, by the way."



"If you're waiting for me to introduce myself, I'm not going to. You already know my name."

"Fair enough."


"Hey Prince Lotion!"

"...Hello Y/n." He sighs. "Have you brought more tiny paper pieces?"

"They're called cards."

"Right, right."


"Greetings Prince Snowtor."

"What game shall we play today, Lord Washing Machine?"

"Washing machine?"

"It was the first thing I thought of. Now tell me what you brought today."

"Altean Chess."



"Hey Prince L'oreal."


"Sorry. Hello Prince Lettuce."



"Prince Lotus!"

"Hello, Admiral Hugs."

"I brought a milkshake. Hunk made them."

"Ooh, what's a milkshake?"

"It's a drink. I think you'll like it."


"My favorite alien! Prince Longitude!"

"My favorite nerd! Purple paladin!"

"...I'm not a paladin."

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