Salty | Lance

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78. Still suggested by the same Anon
Note: I don't drink coffee, so I didn't describe it much

You sat down at the table, noticing that your custom "I like destroying the Galra except Keith and the blade of marmora and ohmigod there are too many words on this quiznakin mug" mug had been moved slightly to the left. You thought nothing of it.

You started drinking your coffee and after the first few sips, you noticed something was off. Your normally bitter drink tasted... salty. You squinted your eyes a little bit, but kept drinking your coffee. You hadn't slept and were seriously in need of caffeine. You drank your entire cup without putting it down and sighed. Which one of these people decided to  salt our daily caffeine?

You felt your eyes drifting toward a certain someone and stared at him, "Lance... why are you blushing?"

"You-You're amazing, Y/n..." The boy stared at you in awe, "So hardcore."

You stared back at him, your expression practically screaming that you were done. "Really, Lance?"

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be funny." He stared at you, "But you're so bad-a$$, you just drank it all without hesitation."

You snickered, "Such high praise from the master sharpshooter."

"Talented people deserve high compliments," Lance smiled, shrugging as he did so.

You laughed, "How come I can never stay mad at you?"

"Because I'm just so charming." He struck a pose, batting his eyelashes.

You tried to muffle your laugh and put a hand over your face. "Love you, you dork."

"Love you too, bad-a$$," he smiled.

"Um..." Pidge covered her face with her hands, "You do realize the rest of us are here too, right?"

"Pidgeon, shush," Hunk covered her mouth. "They're having a romantic moment."

You covered your own face, "You guys ruined it."

"We can still get it back," Lance wiggled his eyebrows at you.

You rolled your eyes, but you were still smiling, "I don't want it back."

"C'mon, babe..."

"Don't call me babe."

There was a moment of silence.



Okay, this was just ridiculous but I did it because I can... ;)

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