Rainbow Is The Best Color

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By MoonLightMessenger


Almost everyday in elementary school, random people in the class ask me, "Are you gay?" I always got offended because they were using the word "gay" like it was a bad thing. I always said no because I didn't want my "friends" think highly off me. I thought I was straight until middle school.

----Fast Forward to 6th grade----

I was at the dinner table with my legs crossed. My dad made a face that made me want to sock him in his jaw. He literally scoffed at me and asked me, "Are you gay?" I was dumbstruck. I squinted my eyes and said, "Are you serious?"

"It's fine if you are, but it's not what God wants. Am I offending you?" He said trying not be offensive. He failed.

"No" I replied.

I wanted to sock his jaw.YES! I was offended. My father failed me.

I want to let you know that at the time I liked girls at the time.

----Fast Forward a year later----

My mom was driving me and my siblings home from my brother's speech appointment. I was playing a song from Glee, and I told my mom that I was watching the show.


"She asked me, "Would you take part in homosexual activity?"

Of course I said no. But then I thought, "Hmmmm. Would I?"

At the time, I had a crush on a guy. I'll call him V. I told my friends and they were supportive. V said he was straight, but I was hoping he wasn't. That's how I discovered I was bi.

After I came to realization that I was bi, V and I were having an argument at lunch. He fired back with, "At least, I can choose a sexuality." I say you are ignorant. If you see this, then learn that people can't control their feelings. Hope you learned something.

Later, I got over him. Then, I had a crush on a girl. Let's call her C. I really did like her, and we started dating.

But I was sitting in one of those spinny chairs at the park, and I thought, "Am I gay?"

I don't know why. It just popped into my mind. I later told my friends that I was gay, and I broke up with C. They weren't surprised. Shocker!!!!

Lowkey. I still feel like C is mad.(just a bit) We are still friends though.


That is the story of how I discovered myself and how I learned that rainbow is the best color.


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