In Omnia Paratus

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This is book 3! Thank you if you're still reading this, I know it's hard to stick with a book this long, but if you're still reading I'm so happy because writing this is my life.

Here's a few spoilers;


"You don't think you're... pregnant?" Lily asked suddenly.

"No don't be so bloody silly, lets not over emphasise, I made a stupid mistake but not that kind of mistake."


"You didn't break up?" Lily questioned.


"You didn't fight? Argue? Any other synonyms for fight?" She laughed.

"No, nothing." I repeated.

"Then why the hell is molly here?" She shouted.

"I don't know! I asked you!"


"It's not a love letter!" He demanded storming off like a two year old having a hissy fit.

"Well then get me to a hospital because I'm clearly seeing things!" I yelled at him.


"I can't believe how far you've come." Matt smiled at Lily with that same look of adoration that I've seen many many times.

"Now I can walk, let's just hope I can dance." She smiled but she looked confident for once.


"You're leaving?"

"After I've graduated apparently I'm going to New York so... yes I am leaving."


In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now