There For Me

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Your POV:

"Mom?" I opened the front door. "I'm home!"

"Y/N!" My mom hugged me. "Welcome home."

"It's only for a few days mom." I laughed. "Did you cook?"

"All your favorites." She smiled. "You're cleaning up though."

"Deal." I went to the kitchen. "I'm starving." I sat down.

"Save some for your father. He'll be home later."

"Yes, ma'am." I took some food. "And where is Dom?"

"Your brother is in his room playing video games."

I laughed. "That sounds like him."

Kailen's POV:

I got home. "Hello?"

"Living room!"

I walked in. "I'm home."


I hugged my sister. "Hey."

She laughed. "Hey."

"You got taller."

"Shut up." She pushed me.

"Girls. We're going over to the L/N's." My mom said. "Y/N is home too so we're all gonna get together."

"Like old times." My dad smiled.

"Y/N!" I ran to my best friend. "We need to go to the national team game this weekend."

"I have plans." She looked to a group of people. "There's a party this weekend."


"Yeah." She sighed. "Maybe another time."

"Yeah sure." She walked away.

"I don't know."

"Come on. You and Y/N haven't talked in years."

"There's a reason for that. She changed mom."

"People change in high school, Kailen. But you two still grew up together."

Your POV:

"Kailen? As in the person who was my best friend in high school?"

"Do we know any other Kailen?" Dom asked with a mouth full of food.

"Shut up."

"Kids." My dad sighed. "Yes Y/N. That Kailen."

"Count me out. She got all weird in high school."

"Kailen wanna work on this project together?"

"Um. No." She smiled.

"Um. Why?"

"I don't want to work with you."

"Why not?"

"Cause there are other people in this class."

"Yeah and all of them are running to work with you." I scoffed. "Whatever Kailen. Hey Carlos, wanna work together?"

"Well, you're both older now. They'll be here soon, please be nice."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll be in my room."

Kailen's POV:

"Angela! Matthew come in, come in." Y/N's mom opened the door. "Marina, Kailen. How are you both?"

"We're good Mrs. L/N." Marina smiled.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm great." We walked inside. "Dominic!"

He walked over. "Hey." He waved. "Nice saves this season Kailen. And that shootout? Awesome."

"Thanks, Dom. How's school?"

"Junior year. I hate it." He said. "But I love hockey."

"Gonna see you in the NHL?"

"One day." He walked away.

We greeted her dad and sat in the dining room together.

"Where is Y/N?" My mom asked.

"In her room. Been gone for months and now she's home we still don't see her."

"She probably went out." Dom said. "Her room does have a nice exit called the back door." He smirked.

Her mom got up and looked out the window. "The car is gone." She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." My mom smiled. "She's 20. Remember when her and Kailen would sneak out?"

"Before she ditched me." I mumbled.

"What?" My dad asked.

"Nothing. We should've been more careful."

Your POV:

"And she expects me to just hang out with her? Like no. She forgot I existed in high school."

"People grow apart all the time, Y/N." Carlos sighed.

"We didn't." I smiled. "Met freshman year, now we're both seniors in college and we're still friends."

"You and Kailen have known each other since birth basically. Growing apart was going to happen eventually."

"I didn't think it'd happen at the moment I needed her the most."

I sat and looked out my bedroom window. I saw the Sheridan's coming from across the street, then the doorbell rang.

"I am so sorry about your father." I heard Angela say.

"He is in a much better place." My mom said. "Thank you for coming over."

"Of course. Is there anything you need while we're here?"

"Y/N. She hasn't left her room since he passed. Is Kailen around?"

"No. I can have to stop by when she gets home."

That night I saw Kailen get home. A few minutes later I got a text.

Sorry about your grandfather. That sucks.

"I was there through it all for her. She wasn't there for me."

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