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Your POV:

We landed in New Jersey.

"Welcome back." Dani smiled.

"Yeah, whatever."

"All packed?" My dad asked.

"Yep." I looked around my room.

"You're gonna do big things Y/N."

"I hope so."

We walked downstairs.

"You will." My dad hugged me. "And no matter what, we are already so proud of you."

I smiled. "Thanks, dad."

"Too bad you weren't leaving the same day as Kailen. You know she's going to Clem-"

"Enough about Kailen." I cut her off. "That part of my life is gone, mom. I know you wish we were still friends but it doesn't work that way. She picked her group, and I wasn't in it. Things were said, it's over. I'm going to USC, she can go wherever she wants. I'm happy for her, but she isn't in my life anymore."

Kailen's POV:

"I mean we were starting to connect again." I sighed. "Then she just leaves."

"It's not like she had a choice." Leah sat up.

"She had a choice before."

"Ok, seriously you need to fill me in on this whole relationship. Who broke up with who?" She smiled.

"First of all, we were never dating." I hit her. "I tried to hang out with her but in high school, you meet new people, you discover who you really are! For once in my life, I could pick my friends."

"Are you saying if you had a choice you and her would never be friends?"

"That's not what I'm saying. Before high school, my mom and her mom thought we were better off together. That I'd do better with her by my side, and same with her. It was true. There were moments when I'm glad she was there and moments when if I wasn't there who knows what would've happened to her."

"We're going to see a movie. You should come." I leaned over the back of the couch.

"Thanks but I'm good." Y/N looked back to her laptop.

"What are you writing?" I started to read it. "I tried? Y/N what is that?"

She shut her laptop. "Don't worry about it."

"Y/N. Your meds." Her dad ran downstairs.

"What meds? Y/N seriously what's going on?"

"Nothing that concerns you." She walked away. Her dad looked at me.

"She's been on edge lately." He said. "Remember when you two were in 4th grade? She had that panic attack?"

"Yeah. She calmed down when I got back to class from the office."

"She's been having those moments again."

"Since when?"

"Since freshman year." He looked down. "Since you two stopped hanging out."

"She had a lot going on. Her mom is kind of a perfectionist, and Y/N being the oldest, she put a lot on her plate. Y/N couldn't handle it all, it started to break her." I sat back. "I started to feel less like her best friend and more like her caretaker."

Your POV:


"Hey, dad." I smiled. "I'm back in New Jersey."

"How do you feel?"

"Anxious." I said. "I don't know if I can do this, dad."

"Yes, you can. It's been a while since you've talked to someone. Next time you're home you should go see Dr. Dawson."

"I haven't seen him in years." I smiled. "Maybe. We'll see. I gotta go, dad, love you."

"Love you too." I hung up.

"Who is this him you haven't seen in years?" Steph asked.

"It's not what you think it is."

"So you don't have a secret boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" I laughed. "Steph, I'm a lesbian."

She nodded. "Got it. Well, then stalker? Who is this he?"

"It is my therapist, and that's all you're getting from me right now." I got up. "We have a team meeting. Let's go Australia."

Kailen's POV:

"Ok. Here is Orlando's lineup for the game tonight."

"No Y/N." Cap said.

"Yeah. L/N isn't starting for them. Not even on the bench." Kelley said.

I nodded.

"USC?" I looked at my mom. "What's at USC?"

"Kailen. It's Y/N's future. She's going to USC, that's that."

"Ok, but what's there! She could've gone to Clemson with me."

"She didn't get anything from Clemson. USC offered her a lot, she took it."

"Why are you so worried about where she goes?" My dad asked. "She'll be fine."

"I hope so." I sighed. "When does she leave?"

"She left a few hours ago."

"She left already? She didn't even say bye?" I got up and went to her house. "Where is she?" I asked Dom.

"She left stupid." He stood at the doorway.

"She didn't say bye."

"No to be rude or anything but you two aren't friends anymore? Remember? You told her you weren't her babysitter and to deal with her own problems? Remember that? I remember that. You really hurt my sister so please enjoy me slamming this door in your face." He shut it.

"Kailen?" Cap hit me. "Hey."

"What?" I looked at her.

"I said it's time for warmups."

"Oh." I grabbed my gloves. "Yeah, let's go."

I got up and walked to the field.

"Go away Y/N."


"Look. I'm not gonna be your babysitter anymore ok! So just leave me alone! Find someone else to cry to."

"Fuck you Kailen."

"Yeah yeah. Go cry somewhere else about it."

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