More Than Worth It

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Your POV:

"When do you leave?" Kailen asked laying on my bed.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I said looking at her. 

"Really?" She sat up. "Well. Before you leave, can I please take you on a second date?"

"We agreed I was planning the second."

"I know, but you're going to Australia, I'm not, it's a perfect time." She got up. "Dress comfortable, pack a small backpack, meet me outside in 10 minutes."

"You've had this planned for a while haven't you Sheridan." I smirked.

"Since the minute I fell in love with you." She ran out of my room.

Kailen's POV:

I grabbed an empty backpack and started putting stuff in it. "Camera, blanket." I mumbled.

"Kailen?" My mom looked into my room. "What are you doing?"

"It's finally happening." I smiled.

"About time." She laughed.

Your POV:

I went downstairs and looked at my dad. "Where are you running off to?" He smiled.

"Don't know. Kailen has this big thing planned I guess."

"Are you too official yet?" Dom asked. "I'm growing a beard over here." He said. 

"Bitch where." I looked at his face and walked to the door. 

"Have fun! Be careful!" My dad yelled. 

I saw Kailen leaning up against the hood of her car. "You ready?"

"No." I walked to the car. "I'm all for mystery and adventure, but this is too much. You've had this planned since we were in middle school?"

"Well in my head." She said opening the car door for me. Once I got in, she ran to the driver's side and got in. "But once we were in high school, I actually started to plan things. Didn't think it'd actually happen." She started driving. 

"You want to go there?" Kailen looked at my laptop. 

"Yeah. Look how beautiful it looks!" I smiled.

"Webster's Falls." Kailen sat back on my bed. "Out of ALL the places, you want to see something right here in Canada."

"Gotta explore your home before you can see other peoples." She shook her head. "Hey! You're supposed to be my adventure buddy!"

"I am. We don't drive yet, and it's at least a 2 hour drive away. Are our parents taking us?"

"I didn't say we were going." I said closing my laptop. "Just that I want to go. One day."

"Fine. I'll make you a deal. Once we start driving and are old enough, we can go."


Kailen's POV:

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

"No. I AM going to tell you that we need to stop for gas first!" I smiled. 

"Ok. Now I'm scared." She laughed.

We got gas and continued our drive. 

"How much longer." She looked out the window. "We've been driving for hours."

"It hasn't even been ONE hour yet." I laughed. "Just relax. We'll be there soon." 

"This better be worth it." 

"Trust me. It will be more than worth it." I smiled.

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