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Kailen's POV:

"Hey, mom?"

"Yes?" She looked at me. "After Christmas is it cool if I go visit Y/N?"

"In Australia?"

"No on the moon." She laughed. "Yes, Australia."

"Kailen, you're 22 why are you asking for my permission?"

"Cause the holidays are family time."

"Exactly. And Y/N is just as much your family as we are." I looked down.  "I know you love her Kailen. Why you think you can hide things from me I'll never know." 

I laughed. "There's nothing to say. If there was you'd know."

"I know. You had that Webster's Falls trip planned for years."

"And it worked out." 

"Of course it did. When you love someone, it will always work out. Love conquers everything."

"It does."

"Go to Australia. Spend time with her, tell her I said hello."

"I will." I laughed and went to my room. When I sat on my bed my phone rang. 


Your POV:



"Cause I said no!"

"You are my least favorite person."

"Right back at you."

"Oh my god." Nikki sighed. "Can you two just PLEASE get along!" 

I smirked. "It's not me. It's all this one." 

"Shut up." Amanda shook her head. Nikki rolled her eyes and walked away. "So how much longer we gonna keep up the "I hate you! No, I hate you!" act?"

"I don't know. Annoying Nikki is pretty fun."

"It is." She sat on the couch. "You excited to visit your girlfriend?" She smirked.

"Kailen isn't my girlfriend. And I'm going to Canada to see my dad for his birthday. Kailen just happens to also live in Canada." I laughed. "Besides I'm only going for like 3 days."

"A lot can happen in 3 days." She left the room.

That night I stayed in my room and packed for my short trip back home.

The next morning, Sam dropped me off at the airport. "I'll pick you up in 3 days." She smiled. "Have fun with the family." She drove away.

I boarded the flight for my long journey back home. 

Kailen's POV: 

"What a goal!" I smiled. 

"I thought Canada was good at hockey?"

"We are. All NHL teams have Canadians." I said.

"Ah. That's why the American team is beating the Canadian team." Kathellen said.

Your POV:

"Welcome back home." Dom smiled and turned the car off. "Mom and dad are out."

"And they left you alone?" He nodded. "Rookie mistake." 

I saw the lights on at Kailen's.

"What's going on over there?" 

"No idea." He unlocked our house.

"I'll be right in." I said and walked across the street. 

I was about to knock on the door when I heard laughing. "Kailen!! Stop!" 

I saw Kailen hugging a girl through the window. 

"Don't fight it!"

"I can't laugh anymore it hurts!" 

I looked down and walked away. 

"That was fast. What's Kailen doing?" Dom asked when I shut the door.

"Who cares." I went up to my room.


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