New Us

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Your POV:

"Hey!" Kailen grabbed me.

"Hi." I looked at her. "What's going on?"

"Can you tell your brother to move on?"

"We're protective of each other. You really think he'd stop if I asked? He's kept going."


"Cause you broke me, Kailen. You threw me aside and watched me break into tiny little pieces like I was nothing. And what hurt most of all was that it doesn't seem to have bothered you at all."

"Is that what you think? That it didn't bother me? I regret how I treated you."

"Really? Then why am I just hearing this now then?" She looked down. "My therapist told me to move past all things in life. Start new. That's what I did when I got to USC. I was a new person, a happy person. Away from Canada, my mom," She looked up. "away from you."

"I changed too. I want to get to know the new Y/N."

"And I want to know the new Kailen."

"You and Carlos are still pretty close." She nudged me. "What's going on there."

"Are you dating Carlos?"

"What? No! He's my best friend." 

"So? That's how a lot of relationships start." Kailen started poking my arm.

"No! I'm not dating Carlos. We're just friends." 

"Relax." She laughed.

"You're so annoying." I shook my head. "Seriously."

"First of all, he's gay." I laughed. "And so am I." 

"Really?" I nodded. "You're a lesbian?"

"Yep. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. Not at all, love is love. I just think it's funny that you're gay." 


"Cause bitch me too! The fuck!" She laughed. 

We both started laughing. "Well looks like we aren't that different." 

"When do you guys go back to Orlando?"

"Tomorrow I think. We're playing Chicago this weekend." 

"We need to go out." She said. "See what else is going on with our new selves." 

"Let's do it."

Old Friends (Kailen/You)Where stories live. Discover now