Hits The Fan

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Your POV:

After our game against Seattle, I flew to New Jersey to see Kailen. Luckily, I still had Sam's number so she let me crash at the frat house.

"Y/N HAS RETURNED!" Sam yelled when we got back.

"YES!" Kelley jumped on my back. "Please stay forever." 

"I can't. I play for the Pride now." 

"Then why are you here?" Nikki asked.

"Because I need your help with something."

"You're 22!"  My brother clapped. "You're getting so old!" 

"You're 18 idiot shut up." I pushed him.

"You got a card here." My mom passed me something. 

"Who's it from?" Dom looked.

"Don't know yet." I pushed him away trying to open it. I smiled. "It's from Kailen." I put it back in the envelope.

"What did it say?"

"Just happy birthday and that stuff." I lied.

Kailen's POV:

The whistle blew.

We lost again.

We are officially out of the playoffs. "This sucks." Kelley sighed.

I sat on the field. "I'm sorry guys. I could've saved it."

"Stop." Sam said. "Not your fault. It's on all of us." She patted my head as she walked by. "I was hoping it'd be happier after the game for this but, maybe this can cheer you up." She walked to the bench. 

"What is she talking about?" I asked.

"No idea." Rocky looked for Sam.

Your POV:

Sam grabbed me. "Ready."

"No, but let's do it." We walked to the field. "Surprise!" I walked to Kailen.

"Holy shit what!" She hugged me.

"I flew in yesterday. Sam picked me up and I've been hiding at the frat house."


"We needed to talk and I thought I'd surprise you." 

"Let me wrap up here then we'll go."

"Sounds good."

"Happy birthday. I love you. Always have, always will. Love Kailen." Carlos read. "That's adorable. She's so whipped!"

"Shut up." I laughed. "I was just gonna call her for her birthday in a few weeks." I said. 

"Then call her. You've always been better in vocal situations not so much on the writing."

"So sometimes it's just word vomit."

"That too. You just suck at everything." 

"I've thought a lot about what happened the last time I was in New Jersey." I said. "A lot of things were revealed."

"A lot." She laughed. 

"I want you in my life. It was always us. Together. Where there's a Y/N, there's a Kailen." 

"But now you know I had a crush on you, still do. The feelings never went away."

I grabbed her hand. "Kailen. I know." 

"I know you know. I told you the last time."

"It's not gonna change anything unless you want it to."

"If the change is us not being friends anymore."

"I don't want us to be friends anymore." I said. 

"Well, fine then." She got up.

"Kailen can you sit the fuck down."

"No, you just said you don't want to be friends!"

"This is why we can't talk! Shit always hits the fan!" I sighed.

"Well SORRY! You openly said you don't want to be friends anymore how else and I supposed to react? Want me to be happy? Well, here I go! Fine! We won't be friends anymor-" 

I grabbed her face and kissed her.

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