you were never my true love

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Every time I fall, I get back up
Every time I sleep, I end up waking up
And it is the same for love,
Evey time you break my heart,
I still come running back to you
And it is time for that to change.

If only I had learn faster
If only I knew your true color
If only I was just smarter
I would have known you are just a player
And you were never my true love.

Now you are coming back for another chance
Now you want another shot
Now you want to play another game
Because that is all my heart is to you

I  would love to love you again
I would love to trust you again
Live again and care for you again
But it is time for me to learn from mistakes,
Stop doing things that cause me pain.
Because all you ever did was break my broken heart.

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