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I thought fairytales are supposed to have happy endings
Thought good things win over the bad
I thought that the darkness always lose in the end
I'm getting closer to my end, 
But everything is just worse than it was
It thought the bright side always come to live
And the dark side perish in the air
But why is my dark thoughts coming stronger than before
Why is my bright side non existent just like my smile
The good typically win over the bad,
But I don't even think there is any good left in me

My dark side has taken over
My dark thoughts finally win
I'm now in a bondage,  that can't be set free
My body is no longer mine
My blood finally turned to black
My bones finally crushed to dust
I always think I was going to survive
Always thought I will make it
But,  I guess it's joke on me
For thinking the dark side is weak
Always thoughts fairytales is what life will be
But there's too many dark characters in my life
For the good to win

Everybody else dark side never wins
Everybody always end up finding a reason to smile
Everybody gets a smile at the end
Their darkness turns into light
So what is wrong with me?
Everybody's fairytale, ended with a happy ending
But in my fairytale, there is no happy ending

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