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I am not scared of love
Love is a positive thing
It is a feeling of joy
It is supposed to bring happiness
What I am really scared of is the person I choose to experience it with
I am scared for my poor heart
My fragile heart
It has tried to be strong for so long, 
It is getting weak
I am scared for my poor eyes that will have to cry everyday
I am scared the person I will give my heart to won't deserve it
I am not scared of a heartbreak
I am just scared my heart will be too weak to ever love again I am just scared my heart will take so long to heal
Of it ever gets broken

I am not scared of love itself
It can't do anything to me
I can only feel it,  I can't be forced to listen to it
But I can be forced to listen to you
I can be tricked by your words
I can get fooled by your looks
I might get convinced with your acts
Until I give you want you are want
And then my heart will turn to a broken heart

But you can get over a lie
With some trust
You can't get over a wish
With new dreams
You can get over sadness
As long as you can find somebody to make you smile
You can get over a heartbreak
With time
But you can't get over not trying
You can't ever get over a regret

So take my heart
But I beg you
Please treat it with care.

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