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I can't tell you I will love you forever
I can't promise that
But I can tell you is that I will love you for as long as I can
I won't promise to always be there for you
We both know that is not possible
But what I will promise you is that
as long as I have the power,  and you are next to me
Know that I will always have your back
I won't lie that I will always care and trust you
I am not strong enough for that
But I can promise to always give you a chance to a second chance
I can't tell you I love you
At least not yet.
I have to first find a reason to love myself.
Then I can think about loving someone else

My body is so weak
Every little words hurt me
Every touch is like a needle piercing through my body
And every hurt I feel,  last forever
So how can you blame my heart for being fragile?

Just give me time to heal
Give me time to train
I have to mentally and physically prepare for every pain
It might not be in your plan to cause me pain
But know that not all jokes are funny to me
Not all touch is just a tap
So I have to prepare myself not to hurt.

Give me the time
Then I will feed you the words you want to hear
But this time,  I will actually mean them.

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