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I am a demon
I am a monster in the shape of a human
I am a demon that can't  look in the mirror
Because I know what lives inside me
I am a monster that can't sleep
Because I know I will wake up in terror
I appear as a human
Because my whole life is an error
I am truly a demon

I am a monster that can't be seen
Because I don't want to leave everyone shivering in fear
I am a monster,  I want to come out clean
But what you'll see,  will cause you tears
I am a monster,  just accept me.

I didn't choose this,
It chose me
What I see in the mirror scares me
The things I see in my sleep are deadly
But what can I do?
There is nobody to trust
So who can I tell?
Who can I tell that I am actually a monster
That breaks hearts and ruin lives
Who can I tell that I am actually the demon
That they see in their dreams?
But I didn't mean to scare then
I am just naturally ugly
I didn't mean to break any heart
I just can't love back
I didn't mean to ruin lives
I was just trying to help

But to them,  I am a monster
I am a demon
I am the scary creature under their bed
I am the one they run from
So I am just going to accept it.
I am a demon
At least that is what they call me.

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