Silent Tears

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My heart feels empty

But I don't know what's wrong

Every time I think I'm making progress,

I feel a sudden sharp pain in my heart

I just want to cry

I swear I've tried every form of healing

But they all seem to fail

I am lost,

How can I still feel alone even with all these friends?

Sometimes I just feel like I'm asking for too much

What more can be done?

And I am tired

I am tired of acting like everything is fine,

But also, nothing is wrong

I keep joking about my insecurities

Like they don't bother me

But people tell me I'm pretty,

And for a second I start to believe them

But then my eyes glance at my mirror,

And there I am, staring at me

Then my heart starts to beat faster

Because I feel lied to

My eyes start getting watery

But I still cry silently because I am on the phone

I swear I'm not alone,

But I don't know how to get this loneliness out of my head.

But I'm fine,

Because I don't know what's wrong

I just know I get a sudden urge to cry

But I still try to hold it in

Sometimes it just gets hard because people keep asking what's wrong

And I can only lie for so long

So, sometimes I just cry.

And then I wipe my tears

And put my strong face on,

I just needed a moment

I'm fine now.

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