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You are right
I don't have a heart
But if I tell you that I love you
Would you believe it?
I might not have a heart pounding in my chest
But I feel it when I am around you
I might not have anything to prove my love
But my attitude should show you enough
The space between us
Should prove enough

But you are right,
I am heartless
But why did you break my invisible heart
Do you understand how much it had to hurt
For you to break a heart that wasn't even there
I don't know what to do to be enough for you
I don't know what to do to show you my existence
But I know,  I won't be stupid enough to love again

It hurts to be hurt by something that wasn't meant to be hurtful
It hurts to be ignored by someone you gave all your attention
It hurts to not be loved by the person you love so dearly
And it hurts to not be trusted by the same person that broke your trust

But yes,  call me a fool
I am a fool I agree
I am a fool to love
Because I let it control me
I thought it would be fun,  but it had only brought me tears
I am fool for falling into your trap
I am a fool for being a leader that let you lead me on
I am just a fool for you
I hate it
And now I hate you

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