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I didn't make myself
I didn't design myself
I didn't get a chance to choose
Whether my nose is small enough
Or my lips are round enough
I didn't get a chance to choose
Whether my skin is bright enough
Or my hair is silky enough
But I guess you did?

No right?
Because you were created the same way that I was
Maybe my flaws are more visible than yours
Maybe I am the society definition of "ugly" on the outside
But you are my definition of "ugly" on the inside.
Nobody is perfect
But you just have so much problem accepting your imperfections
That you have to point mines out.

Maybe I am not beautiful enough
Maybe I cannot grab the attention of everybody walking by the road
Maybe when I walk by nobody turn around
Maybe I have flaws
But who doesn't?
Just because yours are not visible don't mean they are not there
Maybe you fit the society definition of "beautiful "
But are you really beautiful though?
There are more than just a pointy nose, a rounded lips,  a lightened skin or a skinny waist that make one beautiful
Do you have the character?
Do you have the attitude? 
Do you have the knowledge?
Do you have the mindset and many more that make one beautiful?
I guess not.

So maybe the world thinks you are beautiful
Maybe the world thinks I am ugly
Maybe the world thinks your are skinny
Maybe the world thinks I am fat
Maybe the world thinks you are rich
Maybe I appear poor
Or maybe the world puts you first
And I am always last
But who cares?
I refuse to hide my imperfections
Just to satisfy the universe
Maybe someday,  the universe can change its mind
Maybe someday,  the society will update their definition,
Maybe someday,  the world will have a beautiful heart.

But until then,  you do not meet my definition of beauty.

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