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Close your eyes
Step out of the light for a second
Move to the dark
I know it is scary, but don't be scared
Accept the darkness
How does it feel?

Is it scary?
Or do you like the darkness
If you are scared, know that is what you will have to live with.
If you make that mistake of taking your life
Know that is all you are going to see
Is the world tiring?
Is the world stressful?
Have you been trying but just can't go anymore?
Well know that the darkness you are currently seeing,
You are able to control it
But when you are six foot under the ground,
You won't be given an option.

However,  if you do like the darkness
Can you live with the darkness?
A lot of time,  we find ourselves loving the things that can't love us back.
We want the things that won't be any good for us.
The darkness might be calling you name for now,
Trying to persuade you and deceive you to be on their side
But what you don't know is that they are only calling you for doom
The moment you cross away from the light to the dark, 
Then you start to regret your decisions
Because that is the moment the darkness starts to actually show you what the darkness is.
That is the moment you will start to be scared.

So whenever you start to think of crossing over
When you want to switch to the dark
When you decide that this world isn't good enough for you
Remember that,  whenever the world is too stressful
You can close your eyes for as long as you need and open it back up.
Because you might be thinking you are ready
And there is nothing that can change your mind
But imagine being tired of closing your eyes,  but not being able to open it.
Imagine being under water and not being able to come out
Because the moment you decide to jump

There is no more time for second thoughts.
So think again.

My Deepest ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang