Tell Me

14 3 5

Just like rules are meant to be bent
Promises are meant to be broken
So tell me,
Tell me why I should believe any word coming out of your mouth
Tell me why I should hold on to any hope you are giving me
After the millions of lies you have told me
After the thousand of smiles you have once given,
Only to turn them back into sadness.
So tell me,
Just give me one reason for my heart to keep beating for you.

Sorry for not updating in soooo long. I have been so busy. Working and also a full time college student is not an easy task. However I will try to update more frequently.

You guys can follow me on Instagram @zai_mat_
I am more active there, and I do post my poems on there too. I miss you guys and I will try to be more active. ❤️❤️❤️

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