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Do you know how special you are?
How wonderful the present you received was?
Do you know how many people are dying
Just to experience what you took for granted

Must be pretty wonderful huh?
Having a whole being in your stomach
A tiny being living in its own universe
A beautiful,  happy little thing,  fighting hard to experience earth.
Started from being just a little bean and then grew in your stomach to be a human being.
And you killed it.

Even if it was fetus, you can't create it
So why take the life that it was given?
Everything happens for a reason
God gave you that gift,  and you rejected it
I understand you might not be ready
You might be scared
You might think you are not worthy,  of a gift that big
You might even think you didn't want it
You might think of it as a mistake
You might think of it as an embarrassment
Something that was meant to be your companion
You misjudged it.

Those tiny princes and princesses in their own universe
Waiting to join ours
Those little angels dealing with the bondages
Thinking they will be set free soon.
Those poor little blessing begging for you to hear them
Begging for you to save them
Those poor little things that you made them feel like a mistake
but God don't no mistakes.

But those poor little things in your stomach,
Hoping you would have second thoughts before flushing them away.
Telling you they will be good
Promising to take care of you
Screaming to you that they are your future
But you ignored them.

You made up your mind
You decided that the life you didn't give them
Don't deserve to stay.
The future that God wanted to come out through you
You shattered it.
You didn't think you can do it
You aren't ready to be a mother
Their father isn't ready to be a father
Or maybe you don't know the father?
Maybe you are embarrassed to be their mother?

Maybe its hard
Maybe it is a decision that you feel like you have to make
Maybe you feel that is the only option for you?
But did you ever think of them?
Maybe you didn't think you have what it takes to provide for them?
Maybe you are just thinking about their future
Maybe you didn't want them to be victims,  like you were
But maybe they wanted to come to this world anyways?
Have you ever thought about that?

Maybe you feel like you have a good excuse
Maybe you feel like you did something right
Maybe you feel like you have made the best decision for both of you
But maybe it was a one sided decision.

Either way,  you are still a criminal
Maybe you could have let the child come to earth
Maybe you could have gave him or her up for adoption
At least you are giving the child a chance to life
Maybe somebody that will actually appreciate the blessing will want it.

But you would not want to be identified as a criminal
You didn't care that the child was probably in pain too
You just wanted it out of your life
You just couldn't bare the pain?
Do you even regret that decision?
It doesn't even matter
You already did your wish
And whether it was a mutual or one sided decision
Either you were forced or did it willingly
Abortion is still murdering.

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