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Dear bully
What did I ever do to you?
Why did you treat me the way you did?
I understand that you wanna look cool and laugh
But the way you treat me is making me sad

Dear bully
I am sorry I came out of the blue
I guess you didn't want me anywhere close to you
But I just wanted be friends
I have no clue the reason you treat me the way you did

Dear bully,
I hope you go home and laugh,
happy to see your parents see you smile
Except mine hate to see me cry
But that is what I do everyday

Dear bully
I know you claimed you are changed
I am happy for you
I am changed too
I am now the monster under your bed
You think it is fun to go home and cry?
Wake up in the middle of the night just wanting to die?

Congratulations bully
You won, you changed me, you defeated me
You changed my innocence into harm
Now I am more dangerous than a knife
So when you see me, you better run.

Dear bully
You made me into something I don't want
I have been pushed till I touch the wall
Now it is time for me to turn around
Close your eyes cuz it is a wild ride
And I do not plan on stopping anytime soon

Tell me, how does it feel?
Do you understand the joke I'm trying to make in front of my friends?
Laughing and giggling at the size of your clothes
I know it is a funny joke you always make.

Dear bully
That will always be your name
And no you cannot be my friend
People like you smile in people's face
Then go behind and stab them in the back.
And you have caused me so much pain already.

Now it is my turn.
You can write about me later

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