Broken Heart

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I depise love
With everything it stand for
I believe
Nothing good ever comes out of it
At least nothing good ever last in it
It is nothing but a morning of joy
And a lifetime of sadness
I told you I hate  love
And everything that comes out of it
And you keep asking me
How can I hate love if I don't know what it is

But I do know what it is
I have felt it
But I didn't want to
So I hid it
I could feel my heart stomping
Anytime I am around you
But I didn't like that
So I stabbed it

I took my heart out of my chest
And I broke it into a million pieces
I took my heart out of my chest
And I broke it into a trillion pieces
With false lies that I told myself
I took my heart out of my chest
And I broke it into a million pieces
Because I don't want someone else to do it for me
I took my heart out of my chest
So when someone ask for it
I can tell them I don't have it
And I wouldn't be lying
I took my heart out of my chest
And broke it into a quadrillion pieces
Because I know it will take longer to put together

I took my heart out of my chest
Because of you
So when you come to me
When you confess your love for me
I can tell you I can't love you
Because I don't have a heart
I can tell you I won't love you
Because I broke my heart

And you can offer to put it back together
But I won't be counting on it
Because it takes at least a year to fix a broken heart
But just one day
To  find ones true love.

And that true love is not me
Because I am scared of love
But I won't admit it.

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