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My ink is giving up on me
The pages are running out on me
Lately I've been trying to write, 
But no inspiration is coming to me
Feeling like I am trapped
Like I am in a bondage,  but can't be free
Because I have a lot I will like to let out
But my pen just refuse to write.

There is so much on my mind
That can't be free
Because my words are coming out right
The letters aren't forming into words,
So there is no word to form into sentences
Without sentences I can't form paragraphs
So my thoughts are trapped in my head
I am in a cage of my own brain
I am put in bondage
By my own thoughts

So I'm sorry if you were expecting something from me
I'm sorry if you thought I was up to something
It is something that I have known for a long time
Just something you are just discovering
I am sorry I am such a disappoint
I really thought I was good at something.

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