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As much as I can hide
It's still so hard to hide my pain
As much as am good at faking
I still cannot fake a smile
As good as I am at enduring
I cannot accept that you don't love me
As much as I'd like to be real
The real me, don't entice you

As simple as the truth is
It is still so complicated

I'm in love with you
But I also can't love you

I have a heart
But it only serves one purpose

My mind is always thinking about you
But I don't want to think about you

I know everything about you
But I still don't know anything about you

I told you it is complicated
But it is actually quite simple

The problem is me.
I am the cause of my own problem
I am the demon that is controlling my mind

Because if I am not my own problem
Is it that hard to just admit to love?
If it doesn't work out
Will it be the first time that I've got hurt?
I have broke my own heart a million times
Will it do any more damage that it has already done?

I am just so complicated
My heart is just so complicated
My mind is just so complicated
Because I made it complicated.

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