New Year

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It's a new year
It is a new me
It is a new year
It will be a new life
It is a new year
I am a new born

It is a new year
This year will be filled with positivity
It is a new year
I am done with suicidal thoughts
It is a new year
The year that I go to sleep smiling
It is a new year
I am setting new goals

I am leaving all the bad thoughts behind
I am forgetting what it is like to be sad
This year,
I will be proud of my looks
This year,
I am done starving myself
This year,
I will ignore what the haters say
This is the year
That I focus on myself

At least that is what I tell myself every year
At least that is what I'd like to do
At least that is what I want
But at the end of the day
At the end of every year
I have the same goals
I wasn't able to achieve them last year....... Or the year before..... Or the year before that.....
But I will achieve them this year
At least that is what I tell myself

Is it too much to ask for happiness?
Is it too much to wish to be free from  suicidal thoughts?
Is it too much to want to know what it is actually like to have a real smile?
Is that too much to ask for?

But it is a new year
It will be a new me right?
It will be a new life right?
I am now a new born right?

No.... It is a new year
With the same hokum's.
It is a new year
With the same goals
Just different numbers.
It is a new year
With new scars
New tears
New haters
New Heartbreaks
New fakers
New blade
New knife
New gun
Just death all over again.

And every year
I ask the same question
Why didn't you just take me last year?

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