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I'm sorry
For all the pain that I've caused
All the heartaches that you had
I am sorry for the pain
I am sorry for lying
I was just trying to decive myself
I was trying to change my mind in giving love a second chance
I am sorry, because I know that you can't
You never said you love me
I should have taken that as a clue
I am sorry for being such narrow minded
I was arguing with the one that is looking for any excuse to put me in the past
I am sorry for holding on to you
When I knew that you are done
I am sorry for forcing love on you
When I knew your mind wasn't here.

I am also sorry to myself
Because I knew you didn't love me
But I chose to torture myself
I am sorry because I actually tried to make this work
But again, I have failed.
I am sorry that I just could not accept being a reject
I am sorry I can't ever grow to be a perfection
I am sorry for lying to myself
Thinking I am worth it
When in reality I am not
Thinking you will grow to love me
Knowing that it cannot work.

I am sorry
For knowing it was one sided love
But thinking my love will be enough.
Thinking my heart is strong enough to keep us together
But in reality, my heart is broken and weak.

I am sorry
For not accepting the truth.

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