Black lives matter II

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Black lives matter
But it still don't matter that we are not equal
Black lives matter
But it still don't matter that we are not the same
Black lives matter 
But it still don't matter that you are looking down on us
Black lives matter
But it still don't matter that you are judging me by my blackness
Black lives matter
But it still does not matter

You still cannot hear the screaming of the Black kids
You still cannot feel the pain of the black mother when her child wants nothing more than to die
You still didn't see the face of the Black kid when nobody wants to sit with her
Nobody wants to be friends or even talk to her
Everybody wants to judge her nappy hair
And the accent in her voice
And here we are screaming black lives matter
But they still haven't figure it out

Their heads are everywhere except where it needs to be
Their eyes are focusing on everything except of the little Black dot.
And yet everybody is saying black lives matter
But it still doesn't matter to them.

Black lives matter
That is what we keep saying
And we will keep repeating it
But they will keep killing us
And our lives still won't matter till we are all gone.

But Black Lives Matter

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