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Don't you know?
That the same person that hurt me
Can't be the same person to heal me
Don't you know
That my heart can only love once
And that is why I told you to be careful,  to begin with
Don't you know, 
That my trust can't be earned twice
Because it is not something you just give out
Haven't you figured it out?
That I can never love you the same
My feelings for you have changed
Since you pointed it out that I am not good enough for you

Don't you know
That it hurts me to turn my back on you?
But I can't  look at your face the same
My eyes has seen too much
That my brains can't forget
But you should know
That the same person that brought you sadness
Can't be the one to bring you joy
The sad memories can never be forgotten. 

Because I know
That my broken heart
Can never be glued together
And I know
That my broken trust can't be earned twice
I told you
Once you let me go
You can't have me back
I told you to think twice
Before making any decision that involved me
I guess you should have listened

Because now,
Even though it hurt I will overcome the pain
Because don't you know?
That I can only forgive
I can never forget
I can only forgive
The memories will never leave.

So just let me go.

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