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Please don't ask me if I am fine
I am glad that you found some strength in me
But know that I am not capable of trust
I thank you for having some faith in me
But know that I cannot love
Because at the end of the day,
I am just playing the part that life gave to me
I don't actually know what my role

But I thank you for believing in me
I thank you seeing the kindness in me
I thank you for seeing the brightness in me
I thank you for putting some light on me
I thank you for seeing the future in me
I thank you for seeing the me that I've been looking for in me
But at the end of the day,
I have to see it first to believe it.

I thank you for seeing the beauty in me
Even though I break every mirror I look into
I thank you for still asking me
Even though you know you won't get an answer

But know that I am fighting
And that is all that matters

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