Difference between me and you

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Everybody wants to talk about depression
Everyone is willing to lose without even giving a fight
Everybody wants to talk about suicide like its an escape
But nobody is will to be a man and just talk it out

I am tired of trying to change everybody's mind
How can I fix someone when I can't fix myself
I can't even love anybody because I don't love myself
How dare I tell you to stop crying when I'm drowning in my tears
I can't tell you to keep going when I know I'm tired myself

But the difference between me and you
Even though I am broken, I am still like a puzzle
I can put myself together it just takes a little time
Even though I don't love myself, I don't let it show
Nobody can bring me down lower than I already am
Even though I am drowning in my tears
A single dose of my fake smile will dry it all up
  Nobody will even notice that I was once sad
Even though I am slowly getting tired of life
I am still pushing myself to keep going
This is a race that I am not losing.

Even though depression is really winning for now
There is no way that I am losing to life.
The difference between me an you is that
I am strong and you are weak.

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