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                                           Dedicated to PretentiousFly
He won't notice
Because I won't speak
But I didn't speak
Because he didn't ask

But even if he did ask,  will I tell him?
I can't let him know my weakness,
I have to be strong
The walls are my only friends
My diary is all I can trust
But talking to a wall can't help me.
My diary won't talk back to me.

He is not the issue,  I am
Because no matter how much my thoughts hunts me,
I can't let him know
But sometimes I wish he could figure me out
Even if I won't tell him
I wish he would ask me

It's just that,
I don't tell people what my problem is
Because nobody is willing to listen
And when I do say what is troubling me
Nobody have a solution for it
They just want to know what my problem is
Just to use it against me
They want to know what my troubles are
So they can tell it to the world.

But sometimes,
I just want him to tell me
"everything will be okay"
I just want him to hold me
And make me feel safe from myself
I want him to carry me
Take me away from the the world

I know he can't stop the time
But his care will do just fine.

Thank you so much for your suggestion.  I am sorry that I took a long timethis is not what I am used to writing but I enjoyed the experience.  I hope I did an okay job!

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