11 3 2

I am okay
It hurts but I am okay
My heart is bleeding but it is okay
You will never acknowledge me
But that is okay

I'll still keep that smile on my face
I will conquer it all like I am strong
I will ignore all your words and actions
I will forget how much it hurts
Because it's okay.

I can just pretend like it's okay
I can pretend to forget it all
My heart is just a thing,  you can ignore it
No,  it doesn't hurt
It is no problem at all
I understand,
I wanted you,  you didn't want me
You can just move along and act like I don't exist
Because it will be fine

So as from today,
You don't have to worry
I have already forgotten
I've gotten over it
My wounds will eventually heal
All will be forgotten
Just like it never happened
My heart will be fine
My tears will dry
The memories will erase
So don't worry

I will be fine

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