That second

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I was happy,
Had a real smile on my face
Felt the real feeling of love
I thought I found someone to trust

Then all of a sudden
You left, turned around
And didn't look back
You left me in just a second
And didn't have a second thought

That second that you left
The second you made that decision
That I wasn't enough
That second when you turned your back on me
That second
I died.

That second when you left
I felt the tears roll down my cheeks
I felt my mind clear
But some how, I remembered all the moments we shared
I remember all the promises you made
I remembered the smile on you face,
whenever you talk to me.
That second you made that decision
You took over my mind

I was looking down my feet
I was shaking, losing my balance
I could do nothing but fall On my knees and cry
I could do nothing but look at your footprints
As you go.
I could do nothing but hope that you will come back.
The second you decided that I wasn't the one
I remembered you telling me I was the one.

I felt my soul leaving my body
I felt the stomp on my heart
I felt my bones break
My blood turned into water
And then dried out
That second that you didn't have a second thought
I was nothing but a flesh.

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