My Fears

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                                    Dedicated to selfless_x_love

I am scared of love
Because it always end with a heartbreak
I am scared to give in
Because I might not be able to give out
I am scared of trying
Because I might end up failing
And I am scared of living
Because.... Well what is the point?
Everybody ends up dying
I am scared of sleeping
Because I might end up dreaming of you
I am scared of dreaming
Because it brings back the memories of you
All the memories that you left me with
Still hunts me in my sleep

I am scared of breathing
Because I am afraid I might remember the smell of you
I am scared to think
Because all I can think about is you
But what is the point of keeping memories that only cause you pain?
I am afraid to get out of bed
Maybe I will come across you when I walk
But that wouldn't be a bad thing right?
Maybe it will help me let go of you
I am scared to cry
Because I am afraid you won't be there to wipe my tears

I know you are gone
I just don't want to be poking the dead
With the hope that it will come back alive
Or just to confirm that it is really gone
So tell me..... Are you really gone?

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