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I won't cry for you
Because every tears that I shed is joy for you
I won't get angry at you
Because every anger I express is an excuse for you
I won't hurt you,
I won't ignore you
I will simply wait for the day
you regret every pain you've ever caused me
I will wait for the day you shed as much tears as I did

But I won't cry for you
My tears is a proof of my weakness for you
My anger just shows that what you tried worked on me
My frustration shows that I actually tried  to make this work
But I failed
Hurting you shows how much it hurt me
Ignoring shows that I am not strong enough to face you
So I'll just wait
I'll wait for the day I am strong enough

But I won't lose to you
I won't lose to the person that broke my heart
I won't lose to the person that brought me tears
I won't lose to the person that brought me pain
I won't lose to the demons inside my head
Because you are demon controlling my brain
But I still won't lose to you

My Deepest ThoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora