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Wow, you ungrateful thing
Taking away something you can't make
Destroying something that was giving to you as a gift
Because if it was lay down in the market
You can't buy it
If you had the chance to pay for it,
You won't be able to afford it
But you were lucky enough to get it for free
And you dropped it

And then you blame it on depression?
Wow, when you were giving this gift of life
You claimed to be a warrior,
If you didn't claim that, well that is what you should be
Because everyday on this planet called earth is a war
But you've given up?
You are done fighting?
Do you know how many fought so hard but still lost?
But this is a war you can win
You just won't, because you've got the wrong mindset
Do you know how many wanted to fight?
But they weren't given the chance
And instead of you to fight for them
You are just willing to go to the same place they are
Thinking that will be better for you?

Don't misunderstand me,
I get it from your point of view
You are tired right?
Then why don't you take a break?
Just close your eyes, ignore the pain
And sleep for as long as you want
Just make sure to wake back up
You just want some help right?
But the person you want help from isn't willing to help?
Then why don't you give somebody else a chance
There are millions willing to help.
You are just being difficult
But no, you don't want to keep fighting

Since I can't convince you in a nice way
Since I have trie sweet talking you
And it is not working,
I will convince you with guilt
You are an ungrateful little thing
You were giving the gift of life
Many wants that,
But you were the one that got it
And instead of cherishing it
You plan on destroying it

Wow, you really are ungrateful.

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