take care

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i looked up at my boyfriend, his hand, clenched into a fist.
"Tommy please..." i begged him to stop, wiping blood from my nose.
"You're a fucking skank!" he yelled hitting me once more.
i cried and ran into my room, packing my bags quickly as he barged into the room,
"where the fuck do you think you're going?" he yelled and i ignored him, slumping my bag over my shoulder walking to the front door.
"If you leave you aren't coming back! I do everything for you, That Colby kid ain't shit, you fucking skank." he opened the door smiling a devilish smile at me.
i walked out and he pushed me down the stairs, in our apartment hallway, i got up, groaning in pain, he slammed the door, i looked at my legs, bruises already forming.
i quickly got into my car, driving to Colbys, wiping my eyes at every red light.
i knocked at his door, Elton opened it, confused as to why i was crying,
"you okay y/n?" he asked noticing blood on my face and my bruised legs.
"yea im fine." i spoke softly.
"you don't look fine." he crossed his arms,
"i'm worried about you, is it about that kid Tommy, i always told you to avoid him." he began and i interrupted him,
"please, i just wanna see Colby." i spat and he nodded, letting me pass by.
i quickly made my way up the stairs, into his room, i fell onto his bed bawling my eyes out.
i felt his hand on my back and i looked up.
"i'm so scared." i said, causing his eyes to widen,
"y/n, what happened?" he asked, wiping my tears, and some blood off my face.
he pulled me up making me sit up.
"Tommy he-" he cut me off immediately,
"did he touch you? i swear to God i'll fucking kill him." he got up, pacing around his room.
"Colby please," i pleaded and he stopped pacing, getting on his knees in front of me, observing my legs and face.
"he hit me..he's hit me before..But im done now.." i spoke, barely a whisper,
he gulped,
"i'm so sorry, why would he do this, he was lucky enough to get you, and he fucking hurt you? How could he hurt someone so beautiful and loving..?" he had tears in his eyes, his hands tracing along my legs,
"He thought....i was..." i sighed,
"he thought what?" he asked, expecting me to finish my sentence,
"that we were together..." i mumbled,
he bit his lip,
"which isn't totally crazy.." i added and he looked up at me.
"i mean, he was almost right.." i continued, fidgeting with my fingers,
"what do you mean?" he said, his eyebrow raised.
"i've always sorta, liked you.." i admitted and he smiled widely,
"i gotta be right back," he said leaving the room, leaving me alone.

(an hour later)

I sat on his bed my phone opened, netflix playing, my overthinking, killing me silently.
His door opened and he closed it.
i noticed his fists, bruised up and bloody.
"Sorry, i had to take care of something." he spoke and i sighed,
"Dont tell me you-" he smiled,
"yes, i did. he deserved it. more than that actually, but he's lucky, that i don't want to spend time in jail and miss out on time with you."
"now lets get you cleaned up." he said pulling me and bringing me into his bathroom.
"you never, ever, should get hit by anyone, especially a grown, disgusting man." he shook his head in disbelief.
i pulled off my shirt as he started the water, running the shower.
he pulled off his clothes, as did i.
i got into the shower, the warm water comforting me, with Colbys arms that snaked behind me, around my waist causing me to flinch.
he kissed my shoulder, then up to my neck.
"i've always liked you too..y/n/n.. i just never had the chance to tell you, because you were with your douchebag boyfriend. but im here now, and he won't ever lay a finger on you, no one will. never." he said and i smiled softly,
"i'll always take care of you."

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