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y/n pov

I had dinner with Luke tonight, so i left the trap house and went home to get ready. I winged my eyeliner, put on a plaid skirt with fishnets, and a black crop top. I took a deep breathe as i stared at myself in the mirror, i picked up my phone and texted Colby, i told him i couldn't wait to come back tonight.

Luke and i met at a restaurant, it was fancier than i expected, I sat in front of him as i sipped on my glass of water. "I miss you y/n.." He mumbled, i placed my cup back down, looking up into his hazel eyes.
"I miss you too Luke."
"You know i love you right?" He said softly, i swallowed hard, "I know.."
"Then come back." He said dropping his menu down on the table, "I can't.."
"Y/n...please...i don't see a future without you.." His tattooed arm reached for my hand, and i pulled it to myself, i didn't wanna hold his hand.
"Y/n.." He said sadly, "Why have you pulled away from me..We lived together for seven years...i loved you when no one else did...we were meant to be together.."
"No Luke, i appreciate everything you did..but i never felt anything you felt, i felt attracted to you, but i never saw a relationship, you were just a good friend, and i'll always appreciate you, but i don't see us ever being more.." I explained to him and he dropped his face in his hands, i reached over grabbing one of his hands,
"Luke, i promise..i never meant to hurt you.."
"Its that kid in the videos huh?" He looked up at me and i gave him a confused look,
"Colby, or whatever.."
"No Luke, he's a good friend.."
"Like i was...are you going to leave him like you left me?" He said harshly and i gave him a mean look,
"Listen, you don't get to talk to me like that, because i rejected you." I got up from my chair,
"And i'm not going to leave him." I walked out of the restaurant. I felt my tears slip as i looked through the restaurant window, Lucas watched me as i cried, he looked so hurt...i needed to get away.

I climbed into my car and drove off. Back to, no where. I had no where to go. I had no home, no good family, no one to turn to, i never had anyone, my whole life i felt so alone. All i ever wanted was for someone to just hold me and tell me they were there for me. I just wanted for once to feel better being by myself. I pulled into a parking lot and cried, climbing into my back sit i curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out, until i fell asleep.

I awoke to my phone blasting from notifications.
I picked up my ringing phone,
"Hello..?" I said as i sniffled,
"y/n..where are you? Im worried sick.." Colby sounded worried. "I'm in my car, sorry.." I sniffled again, "Are you crying? Do you want me to come meet you?" He asked, "No Colby don't worry. I'm heading home.."
"No come over, you said you would.."
i looked at myself in my rearview mirror and wiped my eyes, "Okay.." I hungup and took another look at myself, i was a mess. I was just so exhausted, i felt like i was constantly failing at my life, i was in my twenties and had no job, a simple high school diploma, i've never had a real boyfriend, i never fell in love, i just hurt people, and got hurt. I was so tired of life...

I walked into the trap house, immediately finding my way into Colby's room. Falling into his bed, he pulled me up to him, cuddling me.
"What'd you do tonight?" He asked,
"Just went out to eat.." I simply replied, he sighed and kissed my head.
"Do you-" I cut him off, "Can we just lay together and stare at the ceiling?"
"Sure.." He said as we both laid on our backs, his arms still holding me.
"Do you miss Sarah?" i asked him,
"No. Of course not." He sounded offended by my question.
"Do you miss Lucas?" His question shocked me,
"Sometimes," I admitted.
"Do you love him?" He asked, the quiet room felt deadly, "No. I never did."
"Why not?" He asked me, "Because he was just a friend."

Colby pov

just a friend. Like us. I was going to be Lucas wasn't i? "Like us?" I grew the balls to say, she thought for a moment, "No, not like us, i truly care for you, like i've never cared for anyone.." She looked up at me,
"How do i know you aren't full of shit?"
She was offended by my question but after all, i didn't know her well.
"You're just supposed to trust me.."
"Like Lucas trusted you..?"
"Seriously?!" She sat up,
i sat up with her, i was being insecure and doubting her right now but i mean, do you blame me? She just left him, and acted like nothing, didn't even answer his texts, and he loved her...
"Im going to sleep on the couch." I said as i grabbed my pillow, and a blanket, she stared at me with disbelief as i walked out.
I made my way downstairs quietly and laid down on the couch.

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