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i looked beside me, Colby sound asleep, peaceful and beautiful. A tear fell onto my cheek as i watched him, i looked back down, his phone in my hand, some girl named Nadia in his instagrams dms.

i couldn't help but read the texts, saying he wished she was laying next to him instead of me, more tears fell from my eyes as i cried silently, sliding onto the side of the bed, not being able to move. Thinking he was the love of my life, the one i'd have forever.

Her name popped up on the top of his screen, a snapchat, i bit my lip harshly clicking it, it opened to a red box, a photo.

i opened it, it was her in her underwear and bra, she was definitely skinner than me, had a bigger ass, but i beat her in the boob department with my almost double D's.

The picture disappeared, it must've been ten seconds, i shut my eyes tightly, not even wanting to reply. I shut his phone off, putting it back where it was, climbing back into bed next to him, he wrapped his arms around me, groaning, "Where'd you go?" He mumbled kissing my shoulder, another tear formed in my eye.
"Bathroom." I replied quickly and by then he was already asleep against my body, i didn't even feel like the person i met two years ago was holding me, more like a stranger.


i walked down the stairs, it was almost when i got to sleep, even in slumber i still thought of them kissing, doing things we did.
I thought i was special.

Colby was sitting on the couch, holding his phone to his ear,
"Yes, you are.." he smiled, then looked up at me, suddenly it disappeared, "I gotta go." He smiled once more then hung up.

"Who was that?" i asked as he pulled me into his arms,
"No one important." he kissed me softly, i hesitated to kiss back, but i obliged.
His phone vibrated, he got a text message, causing him to pull away quickly, letting go of me, he smiled at his phone.

i got up, grabbing a sweater and leaving the house, he didn't even notice.

i drove away, feeling empty, that that the love of my life, had moved on, while we were still together, if that was even possible, maybe i didn't matter as much as he said.

i stopped driving when i reached a trail, hiking, i just wanted to feel something, other than betrayal.

as i walked up to a picnic table, i took in a deep breath, escaping everything around me, he must still love me, he's still with me, that must count. I thought to myself, but i sighed, he didn't love me.

I wanted to cry, but i couldn't, not anymore. I cried everything i could last night.

I took a deep breath, my pocket vibrated, i opened it, he texted me, saying he feels like i've distanced myself lately, he wants to fix it.

i laughed reading the text, ignoring it completely.

Was i never enough? Its what i always thought, maybe i was right. The fans were right. I could never make Colby fully happy, it was all my fault.


i walked back inside his house, i mean, our home, Didn't feel like home anymore anyways.
Colby saw me, but he was on the phone, laughing, smiling like he was falling in love all over again. He walked away from me upstairs, avoiding me. My heart shattered even more, if that was even possible.

Devyn smiled at me as i walked into the kitchen, i tried to avoid it, looking away, but it made her pull me into the living room, away from the other boys.

"Babe what's going on? you seem so down, did you and Colby get into a fight?" She asked.

I wanted to say it, 'Colby's cheating on me' but i couldn't, i never could, she would laugh, agree that Nadia was better, hotter, that i couldn't compare. I bit my lip harshly, the taste of, metal, blood, in my mouth, i bit too hard.

"I'm fine." i smiled, a light, small smile, and she didn't believe it one bit.
"Y/n, talk to me.." She rubbed my shoulder, i sighed, "In the car."

She followed me out into the driveway as we got into my car, "so?" she looked at me, i couldn't even stare at her, i looked away.

"Colby, he's...cheating on me." I spoke softly, barely a whisper.

"Are you sure?" She raised an eyebrow and i nodded, taking out my phone, showing her some pictures i took of his phone with mine.
Her mouth dropped, swiping through.

"She's prettier than me. Better than me. Devyn, i was never good enough, everyone of his fans were right, i could never make him happy, he needs someone like this." I picked up the phone showing a picture of Nadia.

She shook her head, "No. Stop."
"You are so wrong, Colby is fucking dead."

"You are perfect, beautiful and good enough for Colby, if anything you're too good for him, he doesn't deserve you, Nadia deserves him, for both of them being hoes. I know you love him, but, he isn't worth the pain, you can do so much better, love, he shouldn't even have to get you to think that you don't deserve him, because you do, He should be fighting for you, to keep you, not an easy, slutty girl like Nadia."

I felt tears fall from my eyes, She pulled me into a hug, i cried on her, sobbing.

"go talk to Colby." She pulled away and i nodded making my way inside, up to our room.

i walked into our room, sitting on his couch. He sat up smiling at me patting the spot next to me. I felt like my heart was beating like it was bleeding, that when i got up, it felt like all my bones shattered, i wish they did, so i wouldn't have to do what i was going to.

He pulled me into his arms, kissing my head, i took in his smell and i started to cry. i couldn't stop, sobbing, everything.

He pulled away, looking at me, "Baby? What's wrong?"
"I know colby. About Nadia." I bit my lip again.
"I don't know what to say."
"How about im sorry, or i don't deserve you, i did it because im a selfish piece of shit, i've always wanted to break up with you, but now i have a real reason to. No one likes you. at least Something?!" i yelled wiping my eyes.

"How about, it was a prank?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking at me.

"Like i can believe that." I rolled my eyes as he pulled out his phone shoving it in my face, a photo of Elton next to a poster, of Nadia, the same one on the snapchat.

"He's been Nadia. The whole time. I got shots and, i'm sorry, even her following is like all my fans fan pages, only 10K." He said causing me to push him, in a slightly aggressive way.

"I'm so mad at you!" i playfully pushed him.

"You didn't actually believe i would cheat on you right?" He asked pulling me into his arms, kissing me all over, "Ive been trying to stay distant for the week on purpose. I'm so sorry, i missed you," He added.

I pushed him onto the bed, as i hugged him tightly, "Do it one more time and i swear i will break up with you. I love you so much, i thought i lost you!" i cried on him, and he comforted me, "I promise i won't ever again. I'm really done now babe." He kissed my lips and i kissed back, loving him so much.

"i would never do anything to actually hurt you, i love you y/n."

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